The winner of the video contest is a '2:08 Portuguese short movie, titled “Step up”, directed by Tiago Martins and Ivan Markelov and interpreted by Joana Estrela.
Step up, without the use of dialogues, gives a conceptualization of the empowerment potentialities, as a tool to negotiate problems
and difficulties of life.
This manual presents a series of recommendations and good practices for the promotion of empowerment, as identified by partner organisations involved in the submission of the European project ‘Empowerment through non-formal education: Experiences and impacts with vulnerable individuals, groups and communities’.
The objective of this manual is to suggest examples of good practices recognised by this partnership, with the goal of benefiting other European organisations that aim to empower vulnerable individuals, communities, and groups.
The Italian visit (Livorno May 12nd -15th 2014)
Getting into the final part of the project, the partners met for the last scheduled exchange visit in Livorno, hosted by the S. Benedetto Onlus, with the collaboration of the NGO POLARIS.
The meeting programme was organized on the discussion about the final steps of the project activities and outputs, the guidelines manual and the organization of the final seminar, and it was the occasion to visit two Italian experiences, based in Livorno and in the near city of Pisa, that are working using empowerment techniques as a tool of primary importance.
Liverpool (September 16th-19th 2013)
In the Liverpool visit in particular, after an extensive presentation of CAB (Citizens Advise Bureau) North Liverpool and Walton branches activities (roles, different experiences of accessing advice services, impact of empowerment in advice and training activities), the main work of the group consisted in systematizing the discussion on measuring the Impact of empowerment.
Empowerment through non-formal education
The project, funded by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) – GRUNDTVIG, has the general aim of exploring and exchanging experiences and practice in order to em-power vulnerable individuals (for example, socially excluded people, financially excluded people, poor communi-ties, unemployed people, drug users, etc.) through non-formal education methodologies, in order to:
* strengthen the capacity of organizations to empower vulnerable groups;
* improve the empowerment potential of non-formal education methodologies;
* promote the participation of vulnerable populations in the development of social intervention.